Sunday 31 March 2019

Class 12_Indian Economy from 1950-1990_Worksheet_2019

Chapter Indian Economy from 1950-1990

Class 12


Match the following

Market Economy
Mixed Economy
Land Reform
Lab our Intensive
Success of land reform
Indian Economy
Market Value of all goods and services produced
Market Surplus
Protection of home industry
Occupational Structure
Abolition of Intermediaries
Small Scale Industries
Introduction of new technology
The distribution of working  population into different sectors
Gross Domestic Product
Green Revolution
Import Substitution
Kerala and West Bengal

For further worksheets and a target of 100 in CBSE do contact

Thursday 21 March 2019

Indian Economy_ Learning Through Newspaper_Lesson Plan

Indian Economy_ Learning Through Newspaper_Lesson Plan 

 By changing the focus of the classroom from the teacher to the learner has far reaching implications 
on how we teach Economics to make it a more interesting subject where concepts are understood deeply so that they can be applied.

I request teachers of Economics to break away from the shackles of traditional teaching methods and take bold steps towards making the teaching of Economics more interesting and alive for our children.

I suggest the use of newspaper in teaching Indian Economy

I below have collected certain newspaper articles and related to different chapters of the economy this will make Indian Economics more interesting

Article 1

The article talks about the happiness Index in different countries of the world
What describes happiness
How can GDP help in creation of happiness
Class 12 -National Income Accounting chapter GDP and welfare can deal with this
Article 2

This article talks about the rising price of airfare during festival season 
Chapter - How demand and supply can influence the market equilibrium

Article 3
This article talks about agriculture diversification and the various possibilities in agriculture
It also tells how employment opportunities can be created in agriculture field
Article 4

Article 4
It talks about the development of the new bird sanctuary in U.K 
It helps in sustainable development and protecting the environment
Article 5

UK is providing Indian students to work
How will it affect the foreign exchange market
Will it lead to more brain drain
Topic - Development of human capital

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Class 12_Indian Economy at the eve of Independence_Worksheet_2019-20

Chapter Indian Economy at the Eve of Independence
Class Worksheet
Class 12

The following video shows the entire summary of the chapter

Q 1 What do you mean by colonial economy?

Q 2 What was the most important causes of growing poverty in India during the British rule ?
Q 3 Mention the important infrastructure developed during the British period.
Q 4 What is occupational structure ?
Q 5 What do you understand by drain on Indian wealth during the colonial period ?
Q 6 Give the meaning of the following terms
a)  Life Expectancy Ratio
b) Infant Mortality Rate
c)  Maternal Mortality Rate
Q 7 What are the main cause of Indian Agriculture Stagnation during the colonial period?
Q 8 Name some modern industries which were in operation in our country at the time of Independence
Q 9 Discuss the forms of exploitation adopted by British Rulers in India ?
Q 10 Indicate the direction of trade at the time of independence

For the answers of the worksheet do visit the link
