Friday 4 December 2020

Book Review for the book - The economics of small thing

The Economics of Small Things by Sudipta Sarangi (Penguin Books) A book for general reading for everybody to understand the economics in the daily life The stories of people going about their daily behaviour – from the trivial, such as eating (or not eating) the last slice of pizza, proudly displaying a pen in their shirt pocket (or not), to the important, such as selecting a health insurance policy, or, indeed, deciding to wear or not to wear a seat belt – are choices. Behind those choices is “serious economic behaviour”, The author says. This book deals with the ‘invisible hand’ of economics in our everyday life. It features superbly entertaining anecdotes and examples, as well as delicious and accessible explanations, and apparently the desire to spark an interest in economics among those who pick it up. The book demonstrates how our behaviour is impacted by considerations which are avidly studied by economists – that much of our behaviour can be explained and demystified by explanations found in the science of economics. ‘Dismal science?’ Hardly. Link of the book is given below -

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